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TOPICS: Words describing plank topicsThe scores of coding categories reflect the planks' topics, but planks often mention more than one topic. For example, code 403 "Conservation" can apply to planks that also mention the environment. Tagging code planks with additional topics offers alternative access for analysis.
The table shows how frequently the topics occurred, from most to least frequent.
Topics Count Topics Count Topics Count foreign policy 394 regulation 49 Space 11 government 236 infrastructure 47 Symbolic 10 economy 182 trade 47 communications 9 order 174 housing 39 religion 8 equality 124 veterans 39 welfare 5 education 122 transportation 38 media 4 labor 113 elections 36 arts 2 military 113 social security 33 budget 2 health 98 freedom 30 public utilities 2 taxation 95 commerce 29 technology 2 energy 89 tariff 26 aviation 1 agriculture 84 spending 23 culture 1 interior 81 guns 19 Disadvantaged 1 immigration 69 Timely issues 16 mining 1 environment 64 postal service 15 unemployment 1 social welfare 59 abortion 13 constitution 55 science 11 Total 2722