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TOPICS: Words describing plank topics

The scores of coding categories reflect the planks' topics, but planks often mention more than one topic. For example, code 403 "Conservation" can apply to planks that also mention the environment. Tagging code planks with additional topics offers alternative access for analysis.

The table shows how frequently the topics occurred, from most to least frequent.

Topic Count Topic Count Topic Count Topic Count Topic Count
social welfare 201 fossil fuels 28 hydroelectric 10 World Court 4 Chechnya 1
foreign policy 183 United Nations 27 mental health 10 Afghanistan/Pakistan 3 Cuba, Venezuela 1
education 172 waterways 27 space science 10 Armenia 3 Egypt, Jordan 1
economics 152 merchant marine 25 currency 9 Canada 3 elections 1
labor 148 reproductive rights 25 Iraq 9 communications 3 Europe, Asia 1
health/medical 120 work conditions 25 medicare/medicaid 9 E. Europe 3 European Union 1
government 119 credits/insurance 24 political 9 Egypt 3 France 1
taxation 118 infrastructure 24 railways 9 Europe 3 Georgia, Ukraine 1
criminal justice 105 substance abuse 24 Afghanistan 8 Iraq, Syria 3 Germany 1
conservation 103 democracy 23 Good Neighbor 8 Ireland 3 ILO 1
environment 103 treaties 22 Mexico 8 Namibia 3 Ireland, Britain 1
military 94 compensation 21 Monroe Doctrine 8 Saudi Arabia 3 Ireland, Cyprus 1
rights 80 energy 21 public funding 8 Syria 3 ITO 1
agricultural 63 transportation 21 roadways 8 World Bank 3 Japan 1
federalism 59 gun control 20 climate change 7 airports 2 Lebanon 1
foreign trade 55 statehood 20 National Parks 7 Angola 2 Lebanon, Jordan 1
immigration 52 campaign finance 19 Taiwan 7 China 2 Pakistan 1
gender 51 price support 17 Asia 6 Cyprus 2 Persian Gulf 1
nuclear 47 tariff 17 Iran 6 Greece 2 Philippines 1
amendment 44 internet 16 N. Ireland 6 Haiti 2 Portugal 1
housing 43 postal service 16 recreation 6 Iran, Iraq 2 radio 1
voting 42 slavery 16 telephone 6 League of Nations 2 S. vietnam 1
veterans 40 disarmament 14 Africa 5 mining 2 S. Vietnam 1
banking 34 businesses 13 oceans 5 N. Korea 2 UK, EU 1
civil service 34 Cuba 13 Panama 5 N. Vietnam 2 Ukraine, Baltics 1
Social Security 32 native Americans 13 commerce 4 Rhodesia 2 Ukraine, Georgia 1
unions 32 S. Africa 13 India, Pakistan 4 Tibet 2 Venezuela 1
budgetary 31 symbolic 12 Israel, Palestine 4 Vietnam 2 Zimbabwe 1
employment 29 mass transit 11 juvenile justice 4 ANZUS 1
Israel 29 Palestine 11 PACs 4 Atlantic Charter 1 TOTAL 3,392
renewable 29 public land 11 religion 4 Atomic Energy 1
Americas 28 radio/TV 11 Turkey 4 Burma 1