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ALLCODES A three-digit coding scheme focusing on political issuesThe first digit identifies the primary category; the next two digits link to topics within it.
The four tables below list all the coding categories under their major headings and
report how many times each code was used.
FREEDOM and ORDER codes were matched across plank topics
FREEDOM Count ORDERCount 100 Expression/Privacy 10101 Religion 4102 Ethnicity 20202 Ethnicity 3103 Immigration 37203 Immigration 20104 Education 7204 Education 4105 Economy 21205 Economy 152106 Taxation 59206 Taxation 52107 Trade/Tariff 37207 Trade/Tariff 16108 Labor 29208 Labor 38109 Agriculture 2110 States' rights 28210 National rights' 39111 Transgressions 28211 Transgressions 35112 Alcohol/Drugs 6212 Alcohol/Drugs 18113 Life/Death 4213 Life/Death 1114 Firearms 3214 Firearms 17115 Lifestyle 8215 Lifestyle 1 303 396
EQUALITYCount PUBLIC GOODSCount 300 Non-whites+ 22400 Education 147301 Non-whites- 8401 Transportation 84302 Women 96402 Environment 57303 Disadvantaged 10403 Conservation 67304 Handicapped 28404 Welfare 63305 Low income 4405 Housing 71306 Elderly 38406 Health 125307 Children 48407 Labor 144308 Veterans 58408 Communication 34309 LGBTQ 12409 Agriculture 90310 Indigenous 15410 Energy 97 339411 Shipping 6412 Merchant Marine 16413 Indebtedness 8414 Economy 65415 Spending/Deficit 22416 Banking & Currency 30417 Public Land + 17419 Immigration 1 1144
GOVERNMENTCount MILITARYCount 500 Congress 29600 More spending 17501 Constitution 40601 Less spending 18502 Civil/Postal Service 50602 Navy 7503 Expand govt 42603 Army 3504 Reorganize govt 23604 Air Force 4505 Elections 67605 National Guard 3506 Interior pro-public 31606 Nuclear 46507 Statehood 11607 Missiles 4508 Territories 72608 Space 13509 Native populations 32609 Intelligence 4510 Washington DC 16610 Command 3511 Legal 16611 Service 9512 Federal courts 4 131 433
FOREIGN POLICYCount SYMBOLICCount 700 World Organizations 56800 Presidents 7701 Europe 20802 Discrimination 9702 NATO, etc. 24803 Atrocities 4703 Asia 47804 Politicians 3704 Americas 65805 Treaties 2705 Africa 36806 Political Acts 20706 Soviet/Russia 28807 Peace 27707 China/Taiwan 21808 War 3708 Middle East 78 75709 Wars post WW2 33710 Foreign aid 28711 Treaties 37712 Monroe Doctrine 16713 Protect Citizens 32714 Avoid war 12715 World Leader 38 571TOTAL 3392