Welcome to Kenneth Janda's PartyPolitics.org

A collection of resources, compiled over seven decades of research. Biographical note.

This site offers free downloads of my parties data and analytical writings, organized by research topics reflecting my my work. The list starts with recent U.S. party politics. Links are listed roughly in reverse chronological order, beginning with latest works.


The Democratic Evolution: From Slavery to Equality, 1828-2020 (2024, revised edition)
Based on 3,392 planks culled from all 45 Democratic platforms to 2020.

The Republican Evolution: From Governing Party to AntiGovernment Party, 1860-2020 (2022)
Based on 2,722 planks culled from all Republican platforms to 2020. (Reviews)

A Tale of Two Parties: Living Amongst Democrats and Republicans Since 1952 (2021)
Uses ANES surveys since 1952 to compute.portions of social groups in party bases.

American Parties in Context: Comparatiee and Historical Analysis (2016, with Harmel & Giebert)
Assesses the 1950 APSA "Responsible Parties" model against global data.

The Social Bases of American Parties: Democrats and Republicans, 1952-2012 (2013)
Assesses interest articulation of social groups prominent in parties' bases.

Party Systems and Country Governance (2011, with Jin-Young Kwak)
Party effects on six World Bank governance indicators for 212 countries.

Political Parties and Their Environment: Limits to Reform (1982, with Robert Harmel)
Uses cross-national data to assess structural limits to American party reform.

American Party Politics
Party Platforms How the parties promulgated their policies in quadrennial platforms
Social Bases How Democrats and Republicans adapted to demographic changes since 1952
Organization How and why American parties differ from foreign parties
Elections, Etc. Writings on election administration, campaigns, and about APSA/POP.
Comparing Parties Across Nations
Party Systems How party systems differ across the world
Party Law How nations regulate political parties and party members
Party Change Why political parties change policies and organization
Social Bases How to analyze social bases of parties across nations, examples
Organization How parties are organized within and across nations
World Parties Survey of 158 parties in 53 countries, 1950-1962